
Resume office within 72 hours or face our wrath. The PDP group threatens Akeredolu.

Members of the main opposition Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), under the aegis of the conglomerate of PDP support groups, have given Governor Rotimi Akeredolu of Ondo State the ultimatum to either resume office or hand over to his deputy.
In a report on a blog in Nigeria News today states that while addressing the press conference at the PDP Headquarters on Friday, the National Coordinator of the group, Hon. Obande Gideon, said its members were ready to occupy Ondo State if the Governor fails to comply with the ultimatum.
Obande said it is no longer news that Akeredolu has been sick, but “his incapacitation should not affect governance as there is a provision for a deputy who shall discharge his duties in an acting capacity as empowered by the law.”
The coordinator, flanked by other members of the group, said, “The governor has been around in the country but obviously is not fit enough to manage the affairs of the state. The question is, since the Deputy Governor is not allowed to act and the Governor has refused to resume, who is administering the state now?
“We hereby call on Governor Rotimi Akeredolu to resume within 72 hours or hand over power to his deputy for effective management of Ondo State.
“We understand that Mr. President is a season politician who ordinarily should have intervened, like the National Leadership of the APC, but their failure to address the issue is raising more concern as Ondo State is central to national development.
“We make bold to say that if the Governor fails to resume or handover power to his deputy within 72 hours, we will have no option but to occupy Ondo State Government House to press home our demand.”